Tanker Vetting and Inspections

The training is designed to:

  • Enhance the understading of Oil Major Marine Quality Assurance (Vetting Process).
  • Update the ship/shore staff with new inspection programme.
  • Train personnel towards the compliance of the vetting process.
  • Help develop a clear understanding of the pre-inspection process.
  • Assist in effective analysis in order to respond to SIRE observations and implementatiopn of corrective actions.

The training is recommended for Shore staff and Senior Ship Staff involved in Tanker Vessel Management.

Course Duration is Two (2) Days.

Language: English

Instructors: Capt. Rachit Jain

• 27+ Years of Experience - OIL & CHEMICAL 

 • Area of Expertise / Marine Quality Assurance (MQA) Processes /TMSA / MTMSA / OVMSA / SPSA / Start-up Ship Management / Quality Control / Incident Investigation / Training. 

 • Satisfactorily completed 400+ TMSA audits of various vessel operators 

 • Winner – Lloyds List Asia award in the innovation category (2016). 

 • Winner – Lloyds List Asia Pacific Award for Next Generation Leader (2017)

Why this course?


Training Outline:

  • Introduction to Marine Quality Assurance (Vetting Process).
  • Understanding the important areas of the Vetting Process.
  • Detailed coverage of the SIRE programme and its usage.
  • Vessel preparation for inspection.
  • Understanding the inspector's viewpoint.
  • Handling of inspection reports / observations.

Course Curriculum

How to Use

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
